Monthly Archives: January 2023

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MARFC 6th Annual Bowling Tournament!

The 6th Annual MARFC Bowling Tournament Presented by Northside Towing and Service will take place at Royal Scot Golf & Bowl on March 18th.
The cost to bowl will be $12 to bowl two games and that does include the shoes. Proceeds from the bowling as well as the prize and raffle table will go to the Michigan Great Lakes Chapter of the Alzheimer Association and the MARFC Randall Ginter Memorial Benevolent Fund.
Times for the event are as follows:
12- Doors Open/Sign-in Starts
12:45- Sign-in Ends/Draw For Teams
1- National Anthem/Bowling Starts
3- Awards Ceremony/MARFC Meeting
The awards ceremony will again feature presentations of the Men’s High Score, Women’s High Score, Team High Score, The Greg Yost Never Give Up Award and the Chris Throgmartin Spirit Award. After the awards have been presented, the MARFC will hold their March meeting that will feature various speakers from the racing community.