Monthly Archives: November 2022

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57th Annual MARFC Awards Banquet Ticket Sales Are Now Open

Ticket sales for the 57th Annual MARFC Awards Banquet are now on sale.

The 57th Annual MARFC Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at Zuccaro’s Banquet Hall, located in Chesterfield Twp, Michigan 48051. The reception starts at 5:00 pm with dinner being served promptly at 6:00 pm.

You may purchase a ticket(s) to the Banquet for a donation of $50.00 each for those over 18 years old and $32.00 each for those under 18 years old. Tickets will not be sold at the door. The price of the ticket includes:

• Dinner with choice of three entrees
• Appetizers and dessert table
• Open bar all night
• Door prizes
• DJ and dancing

Address all ticket orders to: 

MARFC, c/o John Jackson, 49747 Courtyard Lane, Canton, MI 48188 or

Major award winners will be announced on the December 6th Horsepower Happenings podcast – We are scheduled sometime between 7:00 and 7:45 pm.

Please include the following information with your request for tickets.

Name ____________________________________________________________(please print)

Address for sending tickets____________________________________________

Please provide me with the following number of tickets @ $50 ________        @ $32 ________
                                                     (Please make checks payable to MARFC)

Any seating preference (track, specific other racers, etc.):_______________________________