Daily Archives: January 26, 2014

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MARFC 48th Annual Awards Banquet in the Books for 2014!

SennekerwerbA great night for all who attended our SOLD OUT 48th Annual Awards Banquet!  It was great to have the legendary Bob Senneker on hand to accept our MARFC Presidents Award. He was very appreciative of the award and stayed into the night dancing away with his wonderful wife. Bob Dillner was unable to attend so Matt Prieur accepted the MARFC Electronic Media Award for Dillner and SPEED51.COM. One of the other highlights of the night was the standing ovation Jay Woolworth received as he was Woolworthwebpresented the MARFC/ Eddie Sachs Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award. Jay made the statement that it was the younger driver’s duty to get their names out to the announcers and to the media trades to let them know what and who they are as well as their sponsors.  Other special awards were presented to Dave DeHem for the job he has done as past president of the club and to Paul Anton for is nearly 30 years of photographing the sport we all love. A very special Achievement Award was given to Taylor Ferns for her outstanding accomplishments in racing so many different venues in one season and finishing so well in all of them. Taylor made a video acceptance speech because she was out at the Chili Bowl racing that evening, so her Uncle’s Don and Dave LaDuke were on hand to accept for her. The MARFC Mechanic of SPEED51.COMwebjpgthe Year Award went to two gentlemen who did an outstanding job in 2013; they were Dave Jacot & Chad Bennett. Our MARFC Promoter of the Year went to Scott Menlen and the Mid-West Indoor Racing Series. Greg Shepard & Candy Baschel were awarded the MARFC Fan of the Year Award for 2013 for all the races and support they have given the club. Dennis & Barb Schalm were given appreciation awards for Dennis past support as a board member and Barb for all the help she has given the club during our annual banquets and fundraising raffles. The President of the MSPA awarded Gary & Donna Howe and the Kalamazoo Speedway the MSPA’s Promoter of the Year Award for 2013. Terry Fitzwater was on hand to present the Tom Carnegie Announcer of the Year to the voice of the Anderson Speedway Denny Adams. Then Terry gave both the Asphalt & Dirt Drivers of the Year Awards to Terry Senneker Jr. for Asphalt & Zack Olger for dirt.  Great job as Master of Ceremonies to Larry Loynes! Then it was time for our raffle prizes and the night was capped off with great music by our old DJ buddy Joe Nagraba.(Below Top: Fans of Year Greg Shepard & Candy Baschel with Jimmy Gullett, Next: Mechanics of the year Dave Jacot & Chad Bennett, Next: Promoter of the Year Scott Meneln with Jimmy Gullett, Next: Don & Dave LaDuke for Taylor Ferns, Next: Terry Fitzwater with Zack Olger, & then Denny Adams & Terry Senneker Jr.)( Next: Paul Anton & Dave DeHem with President Bill Barnhart)

FansweblMechanicswebScott Menlenqwb






Terry Senneker Jrweb






(All Photo’s by Paul Anton)DeHemweb