Dedicated to the Betterment and Benefit of Auto Racing and Those Engaged Therein

Report on our October General Meeting for 2018!

October General Meeting Report: Our first fall general meeting and cheer raffle drawing was held at Papio’s Food & Spirits, Reese, Mi. Our first guest speaker was Chuck Darling will be on hand to give us an update on our February Bowling Tournament Event. The next speaker was a young man who races at the Arthur Raceway and finished 2nd in points for 2018 James Rutledge Jr. James informed us on how he started racing at 4 years old and now at 10 he is hoping to move up in his division in the near future. Our last speaker was Trevor Hollis the voice of the Crystal Motor Speedway and for the GLSS Series at the I-96 Speedway when he has a chance. Trevor is a great supporter of see that our next generation be molded into our future of racing. We then held our annual fundraiser raffle with the winners are follows: First prize was won by Brian Baumgarten, then second was won by former MARFC President Russ Jacobson and third prize get to Joe Dunlap of Chesterfield, MI.(Photo Top Right: James Rutledge)( Photo Top Left: Chuck Darling) (Photo Center: Trevor Hollis) ( Photo Bottom: Members on hand)