Dedicated to the Betterment and Benefit of Auto Racing and Those Engaged Therein

Another Great General Meeting for MARFC in November!

bluhmwebhengwebfishelwebThose members who attended our November general meeting had an outstanding time. Ron & Patty Bluhm who run the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum informed our members on how the museum got its start as a Hudson Dealership and about all the cars and automotive items they have on hand. They have many GM displays and they even have a movie prop Tucker on hand along with Kasier’s & Corvair’s. Then Sandy Heng gave us an update on her new book coming out soon called “SHAKEN”. The book is about Dale Earnhardt and the aftermath of the need for safety in our sport of auto racing. Herb Fishel also talked about his part of the safety concerns that he helped with during his time as the head of GM Motorsports Division and where they are now. If you didn’t attend you miss one of our best meetings! Sandy and Herb also provided our members with a Barbeque Beef sandwich snack. Many Thanks to Herb and Sandy for setting up this event for us! (Top Left: Ron Bluhm Top Right: Sandy Heng & Bottom: Herb Fishel)